Advaita Vision

Advaita for the 21st Century

Dictionary of common Sanskrit spiritual words
aham vRRitti - antaryAmin

flower picture

Note that words appear in order of the Roman alphabet, not the Sanskrit alphabet.

English ITRANS Sanskrit Meaning
aham vritti aham vRRitti Ahm! v&iÄ the thought "I am" as opposed to thoughts about objects, feelings etc. - idam vritti. See vritti.
ahankara ahaMkAra Ah<kar the making, kara ( kAra), of the utterance "I," aham ( aham) - this is the equivalent of what we would call the "ego" but specifically refers to the identification or attachment of our true Self with something else, usually the body or mind but can be much more specific e.g. I am a teacher, I am a woman. It is one of the "organs" of the mind in classical Advaita - see antakarana.
ahimsa ahiMsA Aih<sa not injuring anything (one of the yama-s).
aikya aikya @eKy unity, oneness; in Advaita specifically the identity of Atman and brahman.
aishvarya aishvarya @eñyR the state of being a mighty lord, sovereignty, power; super-human power.
ajati ajAti Ajait a - no or not; jAti - creation; the principle that the world and everything in it, including these mind-body appearances were never created or 'brought into existence'. Most clearly stated by Gaudapada in his karika on the Mandukya Upanishad. jAta is the adjective, meaning born, brought into existence. The theory that there has never been any creation is called either ajAta vAda or ajAti vAda.
ajnana aj~nAna A}an (spiritual) ignorance. See jnana. An aj~nAnI is one who is not enlightened, i.e. still (spiritually) ignorant.
akandakara vritti akhaNDAkAra vRRitti Ao{fakar v&iÄ the mental 'occurrence' which effectively causes enlightenment. This is the vRRitti (thought modification) in the form of (AkAra) the formless or undivided (akhaNDa).
akasha AkAsha Aakaz space, ether or sky; one of the five elements in the Upanishads, the subtle fluid supposed to pervade the universe. Associated with sound and hearing.
akrita akRRitA Ak«ta not made or created, natural tendency; natural traits of some things or objects in creation, e.g. water flowing downwards.
akshara akShara A]r imperishable, unchangeable.
alatashanti alAtashAnti AlatzaiNt the fourth topic in gauDapAda's kArikA on the mANDUkya upaniShad - "On the Quenching of the firebrand." alAta is a firebrand or coal; shAnti is "peace."
alpaprana alpaprANa ALpàa[ In the Sanskrit alphabet, describes a consonant that is sounded without any additional expelling of air. It means "with little breath." Specifically, it is used for those consonants on the 1 st and 3 rd rows of the main groups, namely k, ch, T, t, p and g, j, D, d, b.
amsha aMsha A<z part or portion.
amurta amUrta AmUtR unmanifest, formless, shapeless.
anadi anAdi Anaid without any beginning, often used to refer to 'ignorance'.
ananda Ananda AanNd "true" happiness; usually called "bliss" to differentiate it from the transient variety that always alternates with pain or misery. It is an aspect of our true nature and is often combined with the other elements of our real nature - sat and chit - into a single word, satchidananda. See sat, chit and satchidananda.
anandamayakosha Anandamayakosha AanNdmykaez the sheath made of bliss (one of the "five Coverings" that surround our true essence).
ananta ananta AnNt eternal, without end.
anatman anAtman AnaTmn! something other than spirit or soul (not Self or atman); perceptible world. See atman.
anichcha anichChA AinCDa without desire. See prArabdha.
anirvachaniya anirvachanIya AinvRcnIy not able to be categorized; literally: unutterable, indescribable, not to be mentioned. Used to describe nature of reality etc.
anitya /anityatva anitya /anityatva AinTy AinTyTv transient /transient or limited existence (mortality).
ankura a~Nkura A»‚r sprout, shoot. (As opposed to bIja - seed. Seed is used as metaphor for cause; sprout for effect.)
annamayakosha annamayakosha AÚmykaez the sheath made of food, anna. (One of the "five Coverings" that surround our true essence).
anta anta ANt end, conclusion, death etc.
antakarana antaHkaraNa ANt>kr[ used to refer to the overall "organ" of mind; the seat of thought and feeling. It derives from antar - within, interior - and karaNa, which means "instrument" or sense-organ (an alternative for indriya). It consists of a number of separate functions - see manas, buddhi, chitta and ahankara.
antaranga antara~Nga ANtr¼ essential to, internal, interior as opposed to bahira~Nga, external or worldly (in relation to spiritual disciplines).
antaryAmin antaryAmin ANtyaRimn! the soul, "internal ruler."
Page last updated: 10-Jul-2012