Advaita Vision

Advaita for the 21st Century

Dictionary of common Sanskrit spiritual words
arthApatti - avyapadeshya

flower picture

Note that words appear in order of the Roman alphabet, not the Sanskrit alphabet.

English ITRANS Sanskrit Meaning
arthapatti arthApatti AwaRpiÄ inference from circumstances, presumption ; one of the 6 means of obtaining knowledge. See pramana.
asadarana asAdhAranNa AsaxarN[ not common, special, specific; quite uncommon, extraordianry. An asAdhAraNa lakShaNa is an attributs that clarly differentiates one object from another.
asana Asana Aasn sitting in special (and peculiar) postures for long periods supposedly in order to gain spiritual benefit. One of the eight steps of Raja yoga.
asanga asa~Nga As¼ relationless. c.f. satsa~Nga.
asat asat Ast! non-existent. See sat.
asatkarya vada asatkArya vAda AsTkayR vad the doctrine which denies that the effect pre-exists in the cause (usually in reference to the creation).
asha AshA Aaza wish, desire, hope, expectation; aspiration.
ashrama Ashrama Aaïm generic term for one of the four "stages" in the life of a Hindu brahmin, viz. brahmacharya, gRRihastha, saMnyAsa, vanaprastha.
ashraya Ashraya Aaïy locus.
ashtanga aShTA~Nga Aòa¼ consisting of eight parts, as in the aShTA~Nga yoga of Patanjali.
asparsha asparsha ASpzR intangible, touchless; name given to the "contentless" yoga of Gaudapada in the Mandukya Upanishad.
Astavakra aShTAvakra Aòav³ the eponymous Sage of the Astavakra Gita (or Samhita). The word literally means "twisted" (vakra) in "eight" (aShTan) ways. Astavakra was so called because he was born severely deformed after being cursed in the womb by his father (because the unborn child had criticised him for making mistakes whilst reading the scriptures!). (Later in life, after he had secured his father's release through defeating the court philosopher in debate, his father blessed him and, after swimming in a sacred river, he was cured.) See gita, samhita.
asteya asteya AStey not stealing. One of the five yama-s in Raja yoga.
asti asti AiSt existent, it exists.
astika Astika AaiStk literally "there is or exists"; used to refer to one who believes in the existence of God or, more specifically, one who defers to the authority of the Vedas. See nastika, veda.
asura asura Asur demon, spirit, opponent of the gods.
atah ataH At> hence, therefore.
atha atha Aw now, then therefore; often used to express the sense of an auspicious beginning e.g. to reading a key verse of scripture.
atita atIta AtIt beyond (e.g. time)
atma or atman Atma or Atman AaTm AaTmn! the Self. Usually used to refer to one's true (individual) nature or consciousness but Advaita tells us that there is no such thing as an 'individual' and that this atman is the same as the universal Consciousness, Brahman. see also jiva.
atmabodha Atmabodha AaTmbaex knowledge of Self or supreme spirit; a book attributed to Shankara.
atmavichara AtmavichAra AaTmivcar vichAra in this context means reflection or examination upon the Atman, the Self. See atman.
atmavid Atmavid AaTmivdœ someone who knows the truth of Atman, as opposed to a mantravid, someone who just knows the 'magical formulae'.
avacheda-vada avachCheda vAda AvCDed vad theory that the Self is limited by ignorance in the forms of upAdhi-s. avachCheda literally means "cut-off." See upadhi.
avantara avAntara AvaNtr intermediate.
avarana AvaraNa Aavr[ the veiling power of mAyA. In the rope-snake metaphor, this power prevents us from seeing the reality of the rope. See maya, vikshepa.
avastha avasthA AvSwa state; literally "to stay, abide, exist, remain or continue doing (anything)." In Advaita, it is most frequently encountered as avasthA traya - the three states of waking, dreaming and deep sleep.
avidya avidyA Aiv*a ignorance (in a spiritual sense) i.e. that which prevents us from realizing the Self. See also maya.
avinabhava avinAbhAva AivnaÉav a necessary connection of one thing with another; inherent and essential character.
avivada avivAda Aivvad agreed, not disputed; beyond all disputation.
avrita AvRRita Aav&t covered or concealed.
avyakta avyakta AVy´ unmanifest, imperceptible, invisible; the universal spirit (paramAtman).
avyapadeshya avyapadeshya AVypdeZy not to be defined, indescribable.
Page last updated: 10-Jul-2012