Advaita Vision

Advaita for the 21st Century

Dictionary of common Sanskrit spiritual words
chaitanya - dvitIya

flower picture

Note that words appear in order of the Roman alphabet, not the Sanskrit alphabet.

English ITRANS Sanskrit Meaning
chaitanya chaitanya cEtNy consciousness, universal soul or spirit.
chakra chakra literally "circle" or "wheel"; one of the points in the spine through which energy is supposed to flow in kundalini yoga.
Chandogya chhAndogya DaNdaeGy one of the major Upanishads. See Upanishad.
charvaka chArvAka cavaRk materialist philosopher, and the system named after him.
chaturta chaturtha ctuwR fourth.
chatushpad chatuShpad ctu:pdœ four-step, four-part etc.
chatushtaya sampatti chatuShTaya sampatti ctuòy sMpiÄ the fourfold pre-requisites specified by Shankara as needed by a seeker before he can achieve Self-realisation. chatuShTaya means "fourfold"; sampatti means success or accomplishment. See sadhana, vairagya, viveka, mumukshutvam.
chetana chetana cetn consciousness, intelligence etc.
chidabhasa chidAbhAsa icdaÉas false appearance or reflection (AbhAsa) of consciousness (chit) - i.e. the ego.
chintana chintana icNtn thinking or reflecting upon; consideration.
chit chit ict! pure thought or Consciousness. See ananda, sat, satchidananda.
chitta chitta icÄ the organ (part) of mind responsible for memory. See antakarana, ahankara, buddhi, manas.
chodya chodya cae* goal motivated, impelled or incited.
dakshina dAkShiNa dai][ the offering that is made at a sacrifice or the collection of those offerings. guru dAkShiNa is the payment made by a student to his teacher on completion of his studies (not in money but usually as a task or special gift).
daksina dakShiNa di][ right (as opposed to left); south, southern; straightforward, candid, sincere. guru dakShiNa is the fee, present, gift or donation made to the guru from the disciple for teaching. 
dama dama dm self-restraint but understood as control over the senses; one of the six qualities that form part of Shankara's chatushtaya sampatti. See chatushtaya sampatti, shamAdi shhaTka sampatti.
darshana darshana dzRn audience or meeting (with a guru); viewpoint; one of the six classical Indian philosophical systems (purvamimamsa, uttaramimamsa, nyaya, vaisheshika, samkhya, yoga).
deha deha deh person, individual, outward form or appearance (body).
dehatmavada dehAtmavAda dehaTmvad materialism.
desha desha dez space.
desika deshika deizk a guide (someone familiar with a place); more specifically, a spiritual teacher or guru.
deva deva dev (pl. noun) the gods; (adj.) heavenly, divine.
devadatta devadatta devdÄ fellow, common noun for "man" used in philosophy; literally "god-given."
Devanagari devanAgarI devnagrI the script used in Sanskrit representation. The word literally means "city of the Gods" (deva - gods; nAgara - belonging or relating to a town or city).
dharana dhAraNA xar[a concentration of the mind. The sixth step of Raja yoga.
dharma dharma xmR customary practice, conduct, duty, justice and morality. One of the four puruShArtha-s. The favored meaning of most traditional teachers is, however, "nature, character, essential quality," which they often translate as "essence." Our own dharma (svadharma) is what we ought to do with our lives in order to dissolve our accumulation of saMskAra. See sanskara, karma.
dharmaraja dharmarAja xmRraj a just or righteous king (dharma + rAja); any king or prince.
dhuma dhUma xUm smoke.
dhyana dhyAna Xyan meditation, usually in the sense of the mechanical act using a mantra as opposed to nididhyAsana.
dipa dIpa dIp light, lamp, lantern. In the advaita bodha dIpika, it provides the 'knowledge of advaita' through its illumination.
dirgha dIrgha dI"R a long vowel in Sanskrit (sounded for 2 mAtrA-s or measures); literally long, high, tall.
dosha doSha dae; defect, fault; offence, transgression; harm.
dravya dravya ÔVy substance.
drg-drsya-viveka dRRigdRRishya viveka †G†Zy ivvek "Discrimination between the Seer and the Seen" - a work attributed to Shankara. dRRik is the seer or perceiver and dRRishya that which is seen or which can be objectified.
drishtanta dRRiShTAnta †òaNt the end or aim of what is seen, example or instance.
drishti-srishti-vada dRRiShTisRRiShTivAda †iòs&iòvad the theory that our mistaken view of the world arises from a mental image (based on memory and sense data) superimposed upon the reality. dRRiShTi means "seeing"; sRRiShTi means "creation"; vAda means "thesis" or "doctrine." See also adhyasa, ajati, srishti-drishti-vada.
dukha duHkha Ê>o pain, sorrow, trouble.
dvaita dvaita ÖEt duality, philosophy of dualism; belief that God and the atman are separate entities. Madhva is the scholar most often associated with this philosophy.
dvaya dvaya Öy two things; twofold nature; dualistic.
dvesha dveSha Öe; hatred, dislike.
dvitiya dvitIya iÖtIy second.
Page last updated: 17-Feb-2014