Advaita Vision

Advaita for the 21st Century

Dictionary of common Sanskrit spiritual words
lakShaNa - mAtRRikA

flower picture

Note that words appear in order of the Roman alphabet, not the Sanskrit alphabet.

English ITRANS Sanskrit Meaning
lakshana lakShaNa l][ pointer; indicating or expressing indirectly; accurate description or definition.
lakshya lakShya lúy that which is to be characterized, defined, indicated or expressed.
lakshyartha lakShyArtha lúyawR implied or indirectly expressed meaning (as opposed to vAchyArtha).
laukika laukika laEikk worldly, belonging to or occurring in ordinary life. laukika anumAna is inference by scientific reasoning, based on observation.
laya laya ly literally "dissolution" (and the last stage in the cycle of creation, preservation and destruction of the universe). Also used to refer to the four-stage process for dissolving ignorance described in the aShTAvakra gItA. See Astavakra, Gita.
lesha lesha lez trace, small part or portion.
lila lIlA lIla literally "play," "amusement" or "pastime"; the idea that the apparent creation is a diversion for a creator - a means for Him to enjoy Himself. He plays all the parts in such a way that they are ignorant of their real nature and believe themselves separate.
linga li~Nga il¼ sign, mark or badge; evidence. Sometimes used as li~Nga sharIra to describe the subtle body.
loka loka laek world, universe, sky or heaven etc. (adjective laukika).
Madhva madhva mXv founder of the school of dvaita philosophy.
madhyama madhyama mXym middle, intermediate. madhyamA - mediating; the third stage in the production of sound; the "medium" in which something is expressed.
mahabhuta mahAbhUta mhaÉUt gross element (ether, air, fire, water, earth).
mahaprana mahAprANa mhaàa[ In Sanskrit, describes a consonant that is sounded with additional expelling of air. It means "with much breath." Specifically, it is used for those consonants on the 2nd and 4th rows of the main groups, namely kh, Ch, Th, th, ph and gh, jh, Dh, dh, bh.
mahashaya mahAshaya mhazy respectable person, noble, magnanimous; 'Sir' as a form of address.
mahat mahat mht! great, important, distinguished.
mahatman mahAtman mhaTmn! high-minded, noble; exceedingly wise; distinguished; the supreme spirit, great soul of the universe.
mahavakya mahAvAkya mhavaKy maha means "great"; vAkya means "speech, saying or statement." The four "great sayings" from the Vedas are: - "Consciousness is Brahman," "That thou art," "This Self is Brahman" and "I am Brahman."
maheshvara maheshvara mheñr a great lord.
mamakara mamakAra mmkar interesting oneself about anything; (more usually) the notion that 'this is mine', c.f. ahaMkAra.
manana manana mnn the clearing of doubts by asking questions on what has been heard (shravaNa) from the guru. This is the second stage of the classical spiritual path. See also samshaya, shravana, nididhyasana.
manas manas mns! the "organ" of mind acting as intermediary between the senses and the intellect (buddhi) on the way in and the intellect and the organs of action on the way out. These are its primary functions and "thinking" ought to consist only of the processing of data on behalf of the intellect. Unfortunately, it usually tries to take on the role of the intellect itself and this is when thinking becomes a problem. See ahankara, antakarana, buddhi and chitta.
Mandukya mANDUkya ma{fªKy One of the major Upanishads and possibly the single most important, when considered in conjunction with the kArikA written by gauDapAda. (In many versions of this Upanishad, there is no distinction made between the original and the additions made by gauDapAda and there is some argument over which is which.) See Gaudapada, karika, Upanishad.
manisha manIShA mnI;a thought, reflection, consideration, wisdom, intelligence. (adj. manIShaya)
manolaya manolaya mnaely loss of consciousness; used to indicate an intense 'spiritual experience'.
manomayakosha manomayakosha mnaemykaez the mental sheath (one of the "five Coverings" that surround our true essence).
mantra mantra a group of words (or sometimes only one or more syllables), traditionally having some mystical significance, being in many religions an actual 'name of God' or a short prayer. Often used in meditation (always in Transcendental Meditation). See japa.
mantravid mantravid mÙivdœ someone who just knows 'about' Atman rather than knowing Atman directly (an Atmavid).
marana maraNa mr[ death.
marga mArga magR path, track, way. vichAra mArga is translated as "Direct Path," referring to the particular method of teaching Advaita.
mata mata mt belief (also thought, idea, opinion, sentiment, doctrine). Also used in the sense of a 'philosophy'.
math or matha maTha mQ (religious) college or temple.
matra mAtrA maÇa a measure of any kind. In Sanskrit, the short vowel is said to be 1 mAtrA and the long vowel 2, i.e. sounded for twice the length.
matrika mAtRRikA mat&ka In Sanskrit, refers to the 14 vowels, together with the anusvAra and visarga.
Page last updated: 10-Jul-2012