Advaita Vision

Advaita for the 21st Century

Dictionary of common Sanskrit spiritual words
sampradAya - sattvApatti

flower picture

Note that words appear in order of the Roman alphabet, not the Sanskrit alphabet.

English ITRANS Sanskrit Meaning
sampradaya sampradAya sMàday the tradition or established doctrine of teaching from master to pupil through the ages. See also parampara.
samsara saMsAra s<sar the continual cycle of death and rebirth, transmigration etc. to which we are supposedly subject in the phenomenal world until we become enlightened and escape. saMsArin - one who is bound to the cycle of birth and death.
samshaya saMshaya s<zy uncertainty, irresolution, hesitation or doubt. See manana.
samsiddhika sAMsiddhika sa<isiÏk self-existent , existing by its own nature or essence , existing absolutely , absolute.
samsthana saMsthAna s<Swan literally 'standing together', resembling; having the same shape, form or appearance.
samyoga saMyoga s<yaeg Conjunction, combination, connection; in Sanskrit grammar, the term for a conjunct consonant, i.e. two or more consonants joined together without an intervening vowel sound. The word literally means 'joined together'.
sanatana sanAtana snatn literally "eternal" or "permanent"; in conjunction with dharma, this refers to our essential nature. The phrase "sanAtana dharma" is also used to refer to the traditional (also carrying the sense of "original" and "unadulterated") Hindu practices or as a synonym for "Hinduism." See dharma.
sanchita saMchita s<ict one of the three types of saMskAra, literally meaning "collected" or "piled up." That saMskAra, which has been accumulated from past action but has still not manifest. See agamin, prarabdha, sanskara.
sandhi saMdhi s<ix A comprehensive set of rules governing the way in which sounds combine in Sanskrit when they appear next to each other. These prevent, for example, the situation where one word ends in a vowel and the next word begins with one, by merging the two. There are three "classes" of saMdhi, vowel, consonant and visarga.
sanga sa~Nga assembly, association, company. See satsanga.
sankalpa saMkalpa s<kLp conception, idea or notion formed in the mind (or heart); will, volition, desire, purpose, intention.
sanskara saMskAra s<Skar Whenever an action is performed with the desire for a specific result (whether for oneself or another), saMskAra is created for that person. These accumulate and determine the situations with which we will be presented in the future and will influence the scope of future actions. There are three "types" - AgAmin, saMchita and prArabdha. The accumulation of saMskAra (saMchita) dictates the tendencies that we have to act in a particular way (vAsanA-s). This is all part of the mechanism of karma. See agamin, karma, prarabdha, sanchita and karma.
santosa saMtoSha s<tae; satisfaction, contentment with one's lot. One of the five niyama-s in rAja yoga.
sanyasa saMnyAsa s<Nyas the final stage of the traditional Hindu spiritual path; involves complete renunciation. The word literally means "putting or throwing down, laying aside"; i.e. becoming a professional ascetic. One who does so is called a sanyasin (saMnyAsin). See also brahmacharya, grihasta, vanaprastha.
sara sAra sar compendium, summary, epitome (as in upadesha sAra - summary of teaching of Ramana Maharshi).
sarpa sarpa spR snake, serpent.
sarvabhuta sarvabhUta svRÉUt being, everywhere; all beings; the maker or cause of all things; the supreme pervading spirit.
sarvajna sarvaj~na svR} omniscient; all knowing (of Ishvara).
sarva-vedanta-siddhanta-sarasangraha sarva vedAnta siddhAnta sArasaMgrahaH svR vedaNt isÏaNt sars<¢h> book attributed to Shankara. sarva means "whole"; siddhAnta means "conclusion"; sAra means "epitome" or "summary"; saMgraha carries the sense of "complete summing-up." So, as a whole, it means something like "Everything you always wanted to know about Vedanta."
sarveshvara sarveshvara sveRñr omnipotent; the 'lord of all'.
sashtanga sAShTA~Nga saòa¼ reverential prostration, performed with 'eight limbs' - feet, knees, breast, hands, forehead.
sat sat st! existence, reality, truth (to mention a few). See also ananda, chit, satchitananda.
satchitananda sat chit Ananda  - sachchidAnanda st! ict! AanNd  - si½danNd the oft used word to describe our true nature, in so far as this can be put into words (which it can't). It translates as being-consciousness-bliss but see the separate bits for more detail.
satkarya vada satkArya vAda sTkayR vad the doctrine of the effect actually pre-existing in the cause (usually in reference to the creation).
satsanga satsa~Nga sTs¼ association with the good; keeping "good company"; most commonly used now to refer to a group of people gathered together to discuss (Advaita) philosophy.
satta sattA sÄa existence, being.
sattva sattva sÅv the 'highest' of the three guna. Associated with stillness, peace, truth, wisdom, unselfishness and spirituality, representing the highest aspirations of man. Adjective - sattvic (Eng.), sAttvika (Sansk.). See guna.
sattvapati sattvApati sÅvapit the (4th) stage on a spiritual path, after which there is no longer any need for effort to be made (so-called because there is now an abundance of sattva). Apatti means "entering into a state or condition."
Page last updated: 10-Jul-2012