Advaita Vision

Advaita for the 21st Century

Dictionary of common Sanskrit spiritual words
smRRiti - swAmi

flower picture

Note that words appear in order of the Roman alphabet, not the Sanskrit alphabet.

English ITRANS Sanskrit Meaning
smriti smRRiti Sm&it refers to material "remembered" and subsequently written down. In practice, it refers to books of law (in the sense of guidance for living) which were written and based upon the knowledge in the Vedas, i.e. the so-called dharma-shAstras - Manu, Yajnavalkya, Parashara. In the context of nyaya prasthana, it is used to refer to just one of these books - the Bhagavad Gita. See pramana, nyaya prasthana, sruti.
sopadhika sopAdhika saepaixk nirupAdhika adhyAsa is superimposition as of the snake on the rope, as opposed to sopAdhika adhyAsa e.g. the sunrise, which is still seen even when the mistake is realized.
sparsha sparsha SpzR touch.
sphota sphoTa S)aeq sound (conceived as eternal, indivisible and creative) - the theory that the universe was brought into existence as a result of sound (c.f. 'in the beginning was the word').
sri shrI ïI used as a title, c.f. "reverend," to signify an eminent person. May also be used in a similar manner to refer to revered objects or works of scripture, for example.
srimat shrImat ïImt! beautiful, charming, lovely. shrImatI is used as an honorific when addressing respected ladies in the same way as shrI above.
srishti sRRiShTi s&iò creation.
srishti-drishti-vada sRRiShTi dRRiShTivAda s&iò †iòvad the theory that the world is separate from ourselves, having been created (by God or big-bang) and evolving independently of ourselves, i.e. the "common sense" view of things. See also adhyasa, ajati, drishti-srishti-vada.
sthitaprajna sthitapraj~na iSwtà} meaning one "standing" (sthita) in "wisdom" (praj~na); a man of steadiness and calm, firm in judgment, contented. The name given by the Bhagavad Gita to one who is Self-realized.
sthula sthula Swul large, thick, coarse, dense. sthUla sharIra is the gross body.
sukha sukha suo (adj) comfortable, happy, prosperous etc; (noun) comfort, pleasure, happiness.
sukshma sUkShma sUúm subtle, as in the subtle body - sUkShma sharIra.
sushupti suShupti su;uiÝ the deep-sleep state of consciousness. The "sleeper ego" is called praj~na. See also, jagrat, svapna, turiya.
sva sva Sv one's own.
svabhava svabhAva SvÉav one's natural disposition. (adj. svAbhAvika - arising from its own nature; ; like the intrinsic properties of things. e.g. heat is the intrinsic nature of fire.
svadharma svadharma SvxmR one's own dharma. See dharma.
svadhyaya svAdhyAya SvaXyay self-study or more specifically studying the scriptures, literally reciting the Vedas in a low voice to oneself. One of the five niyama-s in Raja yoga.
svagata svagata Svgt belonging to oneself.
svapna svapna Svß the dream state of consciousness. The "dreamer ego" is called taijasa. See also, jagrat, sushupti, turiya.
svara svara Svr Sanskrit term for a vowel, literally meaning "sound"; sounded for 1 mAtrA or measure.
svarga svarga SvgR heaven.
svarupa svarUpa Svêp one's own character or nature (rUpa means 'form'); e.g., svarUpAnanda - one's own Ananda (limitless bliss).
svatantra svatantra SvtÙ independent, self-willed, free. (Also svAtantrya - following one's own free will or choice). (Opposite - paratantra.)
svata-pramanya-vada svataH prAmANyavAda Svt> àama{yvad the theory of the "self-validity of knowledge," i.e. accepting a given explanation, if reasonable, until something better comes along. (c.f. Occam's razor)
svayam svayam Svym! of or by oneself.
svecha svechChA SveCDa free will.
swami svAmin svAmi Svaimn! Svaim  a spiritual preceptor Brahman or Pandit (used as a title at the end of names
Page last updated: 10-Jul-2012