Advaita Vision

Advaita for the 21st Century

Dictionary of common Sanskrit spiritual words
vivarta vAda - yuta

flower picture

Note that words appear in order of the Roman alphabet, not the Sanskrit alphabet.

English ITRANS Sanskrit Meaning
vivarta vada vivarta vAda ivvtR vad the theory that the world is only an apparent projection of Ishvara (i.e. an illusion).
viveka viveka ivvek discrimination; the function of buddhi, having the ability to differentiate between the unreal and the real. See sadhana, chatushtaya sampatti.
Vivekachudamani vivekachUDAmaNi ivvekcUfami[ the title of a book attributed to Shankara. chUDAmaNi is the name given to the jewel worn on top of the head. An English version of the book is called "The Crest Jewel of Discrimination."
vritti vRRitti v&iÄ in the context of Vedanta, this means a mental disposition. In general, it can mean a mode of conduct or behaviour, character or disposition, business or profession etc. See aham vritti and idam vritti.
vyakhya vyAkhyA VyaOya (v) to explain in detail; (n) explanation, gloss, comment.
vyakhyata vyAkhyAta VyaOyat name given to the successors of Shankara, who commented on his interpretations and (often) gave other interpretations.
vyakta vyakta Vy´ manifested, apparent, visible, perceptible to the senses as opposed to avyakta - transcendental.
vyakti vyakti Vyi´ visible appearance or manifestation; specific appearance, distinctness; an individual (as opposed to jAti, the genus).
vyana vyAna Vyan one of the five "vital airs," concerned with the circulatory system. More generally, alludes to the discriminatory faculties, evaluating and judging etc.
vyanjana vya~njana VyÃn Sanskrit term for a consonant, meaning a "decoration" (of the basic vowel sound).
vyapti vyApti VyaiÝ inseparable presence of one thing in another, invariable concomitance (as in e.g. no smoke without fire).
vyashti vyaShTi Vyiò the individual or "individuality" as opposed to the totality, samaShTi.
vyatireka vyatireka Vyitrek distinction, difference, separateness, separation, exclusion; a separate or particular existence. Logical discontinuance (in 'anvaya vyatireka').
vyatirikta vyatirikta Vyitir´ separate, different or distinct from.
vyavahara (noun)vyavaharika (adj.) vyavahAra vyAvahArika Vyvhar Vyavhairk the relative, practical, or phenomenal world of appearances; the normal world in which we live and which we usually believe to be real; as opposed to pAramArthika (reality) and prAtibhAsika (illusory). See paramarthika and pratibhasika.
yagna yaj~na y} worship, devotion, sacrifice, offering.
yama yama ym restraint. Literally, rein or bridle. There are five of these forming the first step of Raja yoga - ahiMsA, satyam, brahmacharya, asteya and aparigraha.
yatrayatra yatrayatra yÇyÇ wherever (yatra on its own means 'where, wherein, to which place, whither').
yoga yoga yaeg literally "joining" or "attaching" (our word "yoke" derives from this). It is used generally to refer to any system whose aim is to "join" our "individual self" back to the "universal Self." The Yoga system pedantically refers to that specified by Patanjali. See bhakti, jnana, karma.
yuga yuga yug one of the four ages in the cycle of creation. See kalpa, kali yuga.
yugapat-srishti yugapatsRRiShTi yugpTs&iò instantaneous creation, i.e. simultaneous with the perception of it. yugapad means "together, at the same time."
yukti yukti yui´ reasoning, argument, induction, deduction (as opposed to intuition - anubhava).
yuta yuta yut united, combined, joined; connected with, concerning, associated with.
Page last updated: 10-Jul-2012